Malnutrition is a medical condition caused by an insufficient diet. It most often refers to under nutrition resulting from inadequate consumption, poor absorption, or excessive loss of nutrients. An individual will experience malnutrition if the appropriate amount of, or quality nutrients are not consumed for an extended period of time. An extended period of malnutrition can result in starvation, disease, and infection.
A developing country is a country that has not yet reached standards in the areas of: democratic government, free market economy, industrialization, social programs, and human rights guaranties for their citizens.
Who is affected-Malnutrition usually affects children most often because it is harder for them to provide food for themselves.
Symptoms-The symptoms of malnutrition very widely due to the possibility of lack of a variety of nutrients, or any combination thereof. For example a lack of protein causes a swollen belly and a lack of vitamin A causes night blindness. For every nutrient there is an associated symptom or disease associated with not having enough of it.
Diagnosis-It is not as easy as with some diseases because there can be many different causes and symptoms.
I took an international nutrition class at BYU and was shocked to see how many diseases and conditions were caused by malnutrition or some sort of deficiency in the diet. People go blind because they are Vitamin A deficient. How easy would it be to send some vitamins over? Pretty easy.
I think it is really sad that malnutrition is in developing countries, but as surprising as it may it is also present here in U.S. which is completely inexcusable.
I am curious about the mothers of these children and how they are actually able to carry babies or why they do not suffer from malnutrition as well? Also, are children that are breastfeed typically healthy for the first year of life?
I served my mission in the south side of Chicago and I saw many health disparities among children and adults here in the US as I would in Mexico or Peru. This is a worldwide issue, very sad because we all have the sources to fix it.
This is a hard issue because, even though we know that people are malnourished, those people might not have the same scientific understanding of what is going on. We need to teach them about this in a way that they can understand, and also help them grow more of their own food, and send food when it is really needed.
Mother Theresa is such a humble and kind women, and to see how she worked and theses children and mothers in these conditions is horrible!!
The malnutrition very widely due to the possibility of lack of a variety of nutrients,or any condition in your baby...Elizabeth Wilcox
Elizabeth Wilcox
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