Saturday, November 29

Square foot gardening in INDIA

There is a Jesuit priest who lives in northern India that was looking for a way to improve the self-sufficiency of his village. He was told about square foot gardening and decided to try it. In his region of India the altitude along with 6 months of monsoons had limited growth in the past. To address these problems they covered their gardens to provide a better growing environment and protect them from the beating rain.

These new methods allowed for an expansion from 2 to 22 crops and from a 6 month growing season to a 12 month growing season. Because of the space that is saved by using this new method they are growing 5 times as much in the same space and their harvest has increased by ten fold. The increased harvest has allowed the village to increase their income to 10 times. The families experienced increased nutrition, income, and standard of living.

Square foot gardening has proven to work in this village in India, why not more villages? There is an opportunity to improve the health of many. All that is needed is a little instruction and guidance.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

What a great idea! It seems to be working really well. I think that this could work in other vill ages. We should get a team together and supplies and march to action. It's so simple, doable,and cheap,why arn't we working harder to help?