As of 2008 there are 46% of children in South Asia that are malnourished, sub-Saharan Africa containes only 24%. These statistics are shocking considering all of the media that is focused on the problems in Africa.
India contains over a billion people. Nearly half of its children are malnourished. The problem is more severe in the rural areas as apposed to the urban areas. In rural areas there is limited access to many resources such as, food, water, medical care and education. This lack of resources and attention has lead to an epidemic.
It seems to be the same story in many places, little self sufficiency, little water and little education. Prevention seems to be the best solution, but is often the hardest and most expensive way to address problems.
This picture is so sad! It is terrible to think that we have such a problem with obesity and other countries struggle daily with having enough to eat! You said prevention is the key, but if it's already past that point - what can we do?
I almost cried when I saw this horrific picture of a toddler. You can see this childs ribs while here skinny toddlers are practically a rarity
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